Florida Angus Association Annual Meeting Minutes 2016
The Annual Meeting was held at Madill Hall Pasco County Fairgrounds in Dade City, Florida. Meeting was called to order by Albert Austrino at 1:00 p.m.
Proof of Notice of Meeting was presented by Annette Short.
Invocation was given by John Massaro – FFA Vice President and lunch followed provided by
Beef O’Brady’s – John Massaro.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Owen Austrino – FJAA member.
Introduction of attendees (all attendees introduced themselves).
Minutes from previous Annual Meeting were passed out and read individually and reading of minutes was waved.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Don Bailey and 2nd by JR Baker.
Secretary’s Report was read by Annette Short.
Secretary’s Report 2015
Year in Review
We held a very successful but cold annual meeting at G4 Angus Ranch in Ocala, Florida on January 10, 2015. Thank you to Jan Grosse and family. They were fabulous hosts. The Florida State Fair was held in February. Both the open and youth shows were a big success. The association also had a very professional display on the Florida Angus Association and the Angus breed. A Florida Junior Angus Association meeting was held during the state fair for planning for the National Junior Angus Show. Juniors held a Spring and Fall Show that had great participation. In July several FJAA members and their families traveled to Oklahoma to represent our state at the National Junior Angus Show. The FAA board voted to keep dues at current rate for the 2016 year. All memberships will run January 1 – December 31. Membership categories are as follows: Junior (youth 8-21 years of age) $20.00; Individual/Farm membership = 1 vote: $35.00; Family membership $45.00 = 1 adult vote and 1 junior voting member. For family memberships, each additional junior will be an additional $10.00. Three board members resigned Jan Grosse, Rick Stotler and Jeff Vermillion.
Motion to approve Secretary’s Report was made by Don Bailey and 2nd by Kurt Piepenbrink.
Treasurer’s Report 2015
Rick Stotler stated that the Association has a tax credit with the State of Florida due to an error on the state’s part. The state will not refund the money but will apply as a credit for the coming year. Adult association lost money this year. Balance in adult account is $1,309.97 Juniors are doing well financially balance is $4,489.12 as of December 2015.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report was made by JR Baker and 2nd by John Massaro.
Florida Junior Angus Report 2015
Zoila Hernandez FJAA Advisor gave her report via phone. FJAA held meetings at the South Florida Fair in January, State Fair in February and at both the Spring and Fall Show. Several members attended the National Junior Angus Show in Oklahoma in July 2015. They had a very successful show and placed 5th in herdsmen FJAA royalty was selected at the South Florida Fair and will be selecting there again this year. The SF Fair purchased flowers for the Queen, Ebonette, Princess and Sweetheart. The FJAA is seeking suggestions for a pod to transport the animals to the National Junior Angus Association show in Nebraska. If anyone has ideas please contact Zolia. Spring and Fall show dates will be selected at the Florida State Fair in February.
Motion to approve Junior report was made by Don Bailey and 2nd by JR Baker.
Web Page Report 2015
Jan Grosse was responsible for the web page but has resigned from the board. Annette Short gave information about the website. Members discussed that they would like to see the web page and on-line payment be more user friendly. Members do not get a receipt when paying on line. Some members reported having to check with bank to see if dues had been taken from their account. Members only section was also discussed. Sherri Baker has agreed to take on the responsibility of the website and to start an adult FAA Facebook page. The board will explore options for the website as it is expensive to have the on-line payment available to members.
Motion to approve Web Page report was made by Rick Stotler and 2nd by Kurt Piepenbrink
Nominating Committee Report 2015
JR Baker one of the members of the nominating committee read the slate of officers and board members for 2016. The following officers were suggested:
President – Albert Austrino
Vice President – John Massro
Treasurer – JR Baker
Secretary – Annette Short
The following board members were recommended for election for 2016:
Donna Blommel
Chris Torrence
Shane Williamson
Zoila Hernandez – Jr. Advisor position
Nominations were called for from the floor and none were received.
Election of Officers for 2016
Members voted to elect the slate of officers and board members presented for 2016.
Motion to approve was made by Don Bailey and 2nd by Kurt Piepenbrink.
Albert Austrino recognized our former Treasurer Rick Stotler for his years of service to the FAA and a small token of appreciation was presented. Jan Grosse and Jeff Vermillion were also recognized and a small token of appreciation will be sent to them to thank them for their service to our organization.
The 2016 Florida Angus Association Officers and Board Members for 2016 are as follows:
President – Albert Austrino
Vice President – John Massaro
Treasurer – JR Baker
Secretary – Annette Short
FAA Jr. Advisor – Zoila Hernandez
Board Members
Kurt Piepenbrink
Donna Blommel
Chris Torrence
Shane Williamson
The board plans to increase the number of board members and is focusing on the breeder members to add to the board.
President’s Report 2015
Albert Austrino wants to plan more education activities for members in the coming year. He wants to expand our membership and exposure to the Florida beef industry.
Members Discussion
The members discussed two date for the 2017 FAA annual meeting and selected January 7, 2017 at the Southeastern Livestock in Ocala, FL. Annette Short will confirm date.
John Massaro and Kurt Piepenbrink discussed the suggestion to have a booth/display at the annual Florida Cattlemen’s Convention in June. They will investigate what we need to do to represent the Angus Breed. Suggest going to beef trade show as well.
John Massaro will send cattle to the Stars of Texas sale. Discussed that as breeders we need to be doing more to promote our cattle and not allow Florida to be a dumping ground. He suggests DNA testing. Richie Longanecker did well on his sale. Need to work to improve our sales as a state.
Drawing for Door prizes
Drawing for the door prizes was held throughout the meeting. Thanks to the board members for providing the prizes.
Educational Program
Ed Jennings had to cancel at the last minute due to a family emergency. We will reschedule the program for Florida’s Harmful Weeds at a later date.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.